As Principle contractor, Salix constructed a 3 hectare wetland system to provide waste water treatment and habitat creation. 18 integrated ponds, wet grassland, reedbeds and ditches were constructed for Twycross Zoo.
As Principle contractor, Salix constructed a 3 hectare wetland system to provide waste water treatment and habitat creation. Eighteen integrated ponds, wet grassland, reedbeds and ditches were constructed for Twycross Zoo.
Salix were awarded the contract to construct a 3 hectare wetland system after a competitive tender process. The works were very diverse and included works undertaken internally and sub contracted elements.
The works came under CDM regulations and Salix operated as Principle Contractor. We contract grew 28,000 wetland plants consisting of over 30 different species.
Salix undertook complex earthworks comprising of bulk earthmoving (28,000m3) and micro profiling to create 18 integrated ponds, wet grassland, ditches and gravel reedbeds.
We implemented a traffic management plan and method of working to avoid impacting on the Zoo and wildlife habitats. A series of grade control structures, pipe connections and concrete outlet structures were constructed to link the wetlands.
Over 800 metres of foot path was constructed and 20,000 m2 of grassland re-established using both hydro-seeding and drill seeding techniques.