Ecological AquaRockBags are tough revetments that can be used to protect assets in rivers, deep water and intertidal projects.
is a robust and permanent revetment for use around structures and bridges, shorelines and rivers.
The AquaRockBag has been developed as a result of Salix’s 25 years of soil bioengineering experience using high performance nets filled with graded rocks as flexible, but ecologically advantageous, revetments.
• The AquaRockBag nets have been proven to be the most robust nets in fresh and saline water environments and have the highest UV resilience and anti-abrasion properties of any net product. AquaRockBags complete the family of sustainable rock revetments that Salix manufacture, which also includes and
• AquaRockBags are a flexible and sustainable solution that are suitable alternatives to concrete, gabions, blockstone and rip rap revetments
• The smaller graded rock within the AquaRockBag reduces flow velocities by absorbing water energy into the high interstitial spaces between the rocks. These high interstitial spaces also provide enhanced habitat for invertebrates, accrete fines, gravels and silts which allow vegetation to establish naturally over time
• AquaRockBags can be used independently or as part of a bioengineering design with Salix’s vegetated systems above water level, providing the most effective scour and erosion control solutions available in the market. Working with nature rather than against it to provide habitat biodiversity simultaneously with an engineered approach for asset protection
AquaRockBags are used in both freshwater and saline conditions. They are flexible, work far better with natural processes than other revetments, provide ecological benefits and can be vegetated over relatively short time scales.
AquaRockBags work best under water and can be combined with softer soil bioengineering solutions above water level.
- Scour protection around structures and bridges
- Toe revetments in deep water
- Temporary works applications
- Intertidal applications
- Artificial reefs
- Shoreline protection
- Marine and coastal structures