A 120 metre reach of river had been subject to ongoing bank instability issues. A gas pipeline set in the bank was dangerously close to being exposed and bank revetment options were considered.

One Year Later. Note the Reed Canary Grass (Phalaris arundinacea)
The erosion reached within 1 metre of the pipeline.
Rock Rolls are installed to create a toe revetment and also to act as a coffer dam to prevent sediment release from the bank works
Vmax C350 Over Reinforced Soil Bank
River Darwen reinforced soil slope
One Year Later. Note the Reed Canary Grass (Phalaris arundinacea) establishment in the Coir Rolls. This is a key stabilising grass in many gravel bed river catchments
The erosion reached within 1 metre of the pipeline.
Rock Rolls are installed to create a toe revetment and also to act as a coffer dam to prevent sediment release from the bank works
Vmax C350 Over Reinforced Soil Bank
River Darwen reinforced soil slope

A 120 metre reach of river had been subject to ongoing bank instability issues.

A gas pipeline set in the bank was dangerously close to being exposed and bank revetment options were considered.

Consulting Group, WSP Environmental, brought in Salix to provide outline and then detailed design options utilising bioengineering techniques.

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Client: National Grid
High Energy Rivers, Rivers & Water Courses