The River Rhiw, Mid Wales was the scene of some rapid intervention by Salix’s Specialist Contracting team lead by Technical Director,David Holland.
Our client Wales and West Utilities were faced with a significant challenge in dealing with severe riverbank erosion caused by this powerful tributary of the River Severn.
The reach downstream of Berriew is particularly mobile, and experienced extensive and rapid bank erosion during 2012, with sections of the river banks retreating over 10 metres.
As a result a major high pressure gas pipeline had been exposed.
Salix undertook emergency works in December 2012 to secure the integrity of the pipe whilst working up a detailed design for the main works.
We are currently tackling this severe erosion using a combination of novel bank protection techniques and we are installing Large Woody Debris to manage the channel mobility over the longer term.
To date, over 75 Rootwad revetments are being installed over 200 metres of eroding bank, we will post an update of this innovative project as the scheme progresses-watch these pages for more information!