A rail embankment had slipped and was reinstated with soil nails providing geotechnical stability. Birse created working platforms with imported stone and then used a soil cell system to retain about 150mm depth of soil on slopes up to 43 degrees.

Soil Nailed 45 Degree Slope With  Cellular Soil System
Soil Filled Cells
Soil cells sprayed with HydraCX
soil settlement on steep slop
One Month After Spraying HydraCX
revegetation railway embankment
Soil Nailed 45 Degree Slope With Cellular Soil System
Soil Filled Cells
Soil cells sprayed with HydraCX
Soil slumps within each cell as it settles
One Month After Spraying HydraCX
Two Months Later

A rail embankment had slipped and was reinstated with soil nails providing geotechnical stability. Birse created working platforms with imported stone and then used a soil cell system to retain about 150mm depth of soil on slopes up to 43 degrees.

In order to prevent soil erosion and allow vegetation to rapidly colonise the area, Salix applied HydraCX to the soil surface.

HydraCX acts like a spray on erosion control blanket and is a higher performing, less expensive alternative to installing short term erosion control geotextiles in steep slope situations.

It has many advantages over these geotextiles, such as ease of installation with fewer Health & Safety issues associated with working on steep banks and quicker germination of seed.

HydraCX also ensures direct contact of seed to the soil and can be applied in areas with poor surfaces such as voids, existing tree roots or vegetation and rock outcrops.

Often, geotextiles can be detrimental to vegetation establishment due to poor ground contact or the “tenting affect” of applying them over difficult surfaces. This is not an issue with HydraCX.

Products Used


HydraCX is a hydraulically applied erosion control product that protects slopes against soil and seed loss from heavy rain and wind from day one of application. It is 100% natural, consisting of reclaimed cotton and straw fibres.


Client: Birse Rail for Network Rail
Location: Pewsey, Wiltshire
Rail, Soil Erosion