Case Studies
AquaRock case study
Lockwood Reservoir
Jack’s Key erosion control project
Royal Wharf Intertidal Terrace
Porter Brook
Porter Brook in Sheffield was a buried treasure, hidden away under a car park until it was decided to dig up this culverted stream as a part of a flood management work.
Rodbourne Railway Embankment
Protecting a Pipeline in Carmarthen
River Biss, Laurel Farm, Trowbridge. Network Rail Site
Erosion control on a river bank next to a Railtrack Site in Trowbridge.
St Michaels-on-the-Wyre Erosion Materials
Wisley Golf Course river bank stabilisation
Witton Gilbert
Naturalising a Stream at Bedlinog
Tregaron Flood Alleviation
River Washford
The increasing frequency of flood events on the River Washford required the existing system to be replaced and improved