Green Swales on Roadside

A11 SuDS green swales on roadside zero carbon

Soft engineered ‘Green Swale Grass Channel’ attenuates road run-off water, filters suspended solids, and traps hydro carbons and heavy metals, significantly improving water quality.

Silent Valley Landfill

HydraCX being applied at Silent Valley site

HydraCX has been applied to a landfill site in Ebbw Vale. The liner system isolates the landfill contents from the environment therefore protecting the soil and ground water from pollution.

Salix installs new green channel to reduce A11 pollution

Fully biodegradeable HydraCX being sprayed onto the green drainage channel to aid erosion control.

Salix has installed a revolutionary green drainage channel along an 18km stretch of the A11 in Norfolk, between Fiveways and Thetford.

CocoNet 800


Coconet800 is a robust and biodegradable erosion control system which is designed to provide immediate erosion protection to soils whilst allowing vegetation to grow. Coconet800 provides an excellent, cost-effective solution to limit erosion, increasing surface cover and roughness.


HydraCX high performance spray on erosion control

HydraCX is a hydraulically applied erosion control product that protects slopes against soil and seed loss from heavy rain and wind from day one of application. It is 100% natural, consisting of reclaimed cotton and straw fibres.

Pembroke Commons

Pembroke Commons revegetion river restoration

1 km of new and existing channel was enhanced using bioengineering techniques as part of a flood protection project in the centre of historic Pembroke in West Wales.

River Roding Bank Protection

Vegetation Establishment 18 Months Later

Salix advised engineers Halcrow on bioengineering methods to stabilise a regraded slope as part of an inter-tidal river enhancement project. The existing vertical retaining wall provided no habitat value.

River Roding Enhancement

Training day on intertidal restoration work

The River Roding is an inter-tidal river and these works were undertaken 100m upstream of the Barking Barrier, Greater London. The works were part of an Environment Agency environmental enhancement project with both flood defence and nature conservation in mind.