Salix’s River Dulais project demonstrating the use of large woody debris (LWD) is now ten years old and has been is included in the manual of River Restoration Techniques.

Root Wads Installed On Outer Bend Of River Dulais
Root Wads Two Years Later at River Dulais

Salix’s River Dulais project demonstrating the use of large woody debris (LWD) is now ten years old and has been included in the manual of River Restoration Techniques.

The RRC manual aims to help river managers identify potential restoration techniques for use in river restoration and sustainable river management. It now includes 64 case examples which can be downloaded as PDFs at 35 sites across the UK.

The River Dulais (Afon Dulais) is a tributary of the River Towy and is an important spawning habitat for migratory fish. Unrestricted grazing along the banks had resulted in a loss of bankside vegetation. This had resulted in both reduced spawning ground and erosion on the river banks.

We installed forty root wads over eighty metres of bank as well as brushwood.

As a result of our work there has been stabilisation of the complex outer meander bend and each of the live root wads have grown well. Gravels and silt have accumulated and encouraged vegetation growth.

Products Used

Brushwood faggot/fascine

Salix produce a range of brushwood faggots (fascines) for use in rivers, canals and lakes. We use brushwood from sustainable sources and can supply various timber types including Ash, Hazel and Willow.


Client: Natural Resources Wales (previously the Environment Agency)
Location: River Dulais, Rhosmaen Llandeilo
High Energy Rivers, Rivers & Water Courses