Balancing-the-Brooks at Birmingham University

Bank post flooding event showing no erosion or damage
Bank post flooding event showing no erosion or damage

The saying “a picture paints a thousand words” could not be more accurately applied than to a current Salix erosion control solution at the  University of Birmingham.

The dreadful summer weather created the following story in the words of our client:

Thought you might be interested in the attached…

The first picture shows us installing the coir matting on to bare soil with the brook at its normal level.

The second shows the change in level after the extreme downpours we had a couple of weeks ago. It doesn’t show very well but the flow rate was so bad, it undermined the foundation of a section of the blue brick wall.

The third was taken this morning with things back to normal.

I don’t think your system could get a better test than that!

Kind regards,


Dave O’Driscoll
Head of Grounds & Gardens
Estates Office
University of Birmingham


Back to normal at Birmingham University