The objective of the project was to fill the scour hole & to provide an extension to the existing spillway that prevents scouring downstream
AquaRockBags for scour problems

The objective of the project was to fill the scour hole & to provide an extension to the existing spillway that prevents scouring downstream
As a result of substantial rain fall in the Sacramento area , severe flooding ensued, leading to significant erosion challenges along Auburn Ravine.
A working platform was needed along the banks of the Saluda River in Columbia, SC to allow heavy equipment to be placed on it. This was needed for construction, but it had to be easily removed upon completion. This was the perfect opportunity to use AquaRock Bag.
Following a storm event in February 2022, a 20-metre section of flood wall in the Derbyshire town of Matlock collapsed.
Jackson Civil Engineering,
Aqua Rock Bags were installed at the eroded toe of the failing riverbank after it had eroded the bank and caused the footpath to collapse into the River Towy in the centre of Carmarthen.
Salix supplied AquaRock Bags to provide an environmentally sensitive solution yet robust solution to protect the toe of the embankment from further slips and limit the potential for further erosion.
2T AquaRockBag® are used as a temporary measure to support the road and prevent scour during winter
AquaRockBags® were installed by the local council highways team to prevent a road subsiding due to scour and erosion caused by the adjacent watercourse.
As an ecologically sensitive site the use of traditional hard engineered bank protection was not an option and Salix’s bioengineered designs were favoured.