As with Eriophorum angustifolium, E. vaginatum is a perennial associated with moors and heaths on acidic soil.
Eriophorum vaginatum (Hare’s-tail Cottongrass)

There is more heather moorland in the Isles of Britain and Ireland than anywhere else in the world, but historical agricultural improvements, forestry and other land management activities have degraded many uplands, exposing peat and releasing huge amounts of carbon into the atmosphere.
These habitats can lock vast amounts of carbon away, act as a natural sponge to hold flood waters back in the uplands and are vital to many of the UK’s most enigmatic upland creatures. Large scale restoration of these habitats is underway throughout the UK and Salix are now growing a range of species to meet the demand of this restoration program.
With the soil of moorland and peatland habitat being acidic in nature, Salix grow their plants in ericaceous compost to ensure a healthy start.
As with Eriophorum angustifolium, E. vaginatum is a perennial associated with moors and heaths on acidic soil.
An upright perennial with distinct white cottony hairs when the plant is in fruit. Favours very boggy ground where peaty,
Rush of moorland and damp heaths. A relatively small Rush growing to heights of 60cm. Fruits are brown, almost maroon,
As its name suggests, purple-green spikes form when in flower. An acid loving species found growing in damp ground on heaths and grassy moors
Low growing perennial with creeping runners. Grows in bogs and marshes on acid soils. Flowers are lilac with striking, deep coloured veins.
Salix stock and can contract grow the following Sphagnum (Bog-moss) species:
Sphagnum capillifolium (Acute-leaved Bog-moss)
Sphagnum cuspidatum (Feathery Bog-moss)
Sphagnum denticulatum (Cow-horn Bog-moss)
Sphagnum fallax (Flat-topped Bog-moss)
Sphagnum fimbriatum (Fringed Bog-moss)
Sphagnum inundatum (Lesser Cow-horn Bog-moss)
Sphagnum magellanicum (Magellanic Bog-moss)
Sphagnum palustre (Blunt-leaved Bog-moss)
Sphagnum papillosum (Papillose Bog-moss)
Sphagnum rubellum (Red Bog-moss)
Sphagnum subnitens (Lustrous Bog-moss)
Deciduous undershrub widespread across much of the region, though least common in the East of England. Favours the acidic soil of heathland.
The most widespread Heather across Britain. Dense, evergreen undershrub also known as Ling. Small bell-shaped flowers, usually pink in colour though occasionally cream/white.