River Towy, Bank Erosion, Carmarthen

Natural sediment accretion and vegetation colonisation after 5 months

Aqua Rock Bags were installed at the eroded toe of the failing riverbank after it had eroded the bank and caused the footpath to collapse into the River Towy in the centre of Carmarthen.

Hoveton Broad, Wetlands Restoration

Hoveton Broad established

The Hoveton Wetlands Restoration project aims to deliver the restoration of Hoveton Great Broad (HGB) and Hudson’s Bay. Salix were appointed by Natural England to complete a major desilting and dredging project

Woodberry Wetlands

Woodberry reedbeds vegetating

Desilting a large reservoir in the heart of London and creating a new wetland habitat. Dredging silts enabled us to create 13,000 square metres of new reed bed